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- Hercules and the Mage 10
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- Hercules Encore part1
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- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 03
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 04
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- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 06
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 07
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 08
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 09
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 10
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Friday, December 28, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Rice Dumplings
Rice Dumplings cooked with Rice Noodles.
It is a tradition in my region to eat rice dumplings during the Winter Solstice on the Lunar calender. Although it was a few days ago, we still have plenty of these rice dumplings left.
(I think there's too many Chinese food translated to English using " dumplings..." )
Friday, December 21, 2012
Snow Ball
Looks like Lucien is about to do something very Naughty.
I saw " The Hobbits : An Unexpected Journey " at a theater this Monday (alone again). I am excited to say that the movie was much more than I expected.
The first time I saw the trailer of this movie, was when exiting an IMax theater after watching "The Avengers 3D" with two friends. One of them had to use the bathroom after the movie, so we waited in front of one of those Screens that runs Movie trailers continuously. And we saw " The Hobbits " trailer. My friends thought it was a sequel, I had to explain to them that
The Lord of the Rings only had three books, it's the prequel actually. The Hobbits came before The Lord of the Rings.
The Lord of the Rings only had three books, it's the prequel actually. The Hobbits came before The Lord of the Rings.
I was anxious to see this movie being made at first, but then I realized the main characters were Dwarfs(I never read the books before), I was like " Dwarfs? " Hell, No!
I'm not watching this movie even if I loved the " Lord of the Rings ".
However, I decided to go see this movie because I saw this movie review saying, "If you enjoy The Lord of the Rings, you'll definitely enjoy this movie as well. "
So, I got over my judgmental ass, and went to the Theaters.
Happy Holidays everyone! I guess the world's not ending anytime soon now. ^_^
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Old Sketches of Hercules
Here's something I dug up from my old sketches.
This is when I still draw with paper and pencil, inking with markers and inking tip pens.
It's created about ten years ago, and only have five pages, I never completed it.
Clearly, I was obsessed with "Altered Beast" at the time.
Big muscle man enters a cemetery, and fights zombies popping up from the ground ^_^
And the Name Hercules "PowerUp", also came from "Altered Beast" as well.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Hercules Halloween 2012 Naked
It would cost me around 2,000 USD minimum for the whole trip including flight ticket and hotel room.
Although the money from the sales of all my comics add up would be enough for the trip, but it would take almost all of it to cover the cost.
I'm sorry to anyone who might be planning on meeting me at Bent-con this year.
And many Thanks to people who supported and purchased my comics,
Friday, October 19, 2012
Hercules Halloween 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Spelling mistake in PowerUp 3
Thanks to "Firebrand" for pointing it out.
It's good to know that "deaming" has no meaning, or it's gonna sound very funny ^_^
Halloween pic coming soon!
Thanks to all the supports!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Hercules PowerUp Chapter 3 page 3 Sample
Drawing those chains is a pain, I'd probably try to avoid chains in future works.
The correct color of the glow on the chains is actually Magenta not Purple.
The comic is mostly completed now,
Sorry, but there are no fighting scenes in this chapter.
will be released soon!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Earlier Design
This is an earlier design of Hercules and Lucien.
Hercules actually wears red trunks in most of my earlier designs, and I didn't cover his body with hair until later.
Lucien's cloths was supposed to be more of a medieval style,
but I decided to go with a modern look at the last minute.
That's why in the beginning of Chapter 1, Lucien was suck into another world or dimension.
Hercules actually wears red trunks in most of my earlier designs, and I didn't cover his body with hair until later.
Lucien's cloths was supposed to be more of a medieval style,
but I decided to go with a modern look at the last minute.
That's why in the beginning of Chapter 1, Lucien was suck into another world or dimension.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Testing colors
Testing the colors of Hercules PowerUp chapter 3 page 03.
I wanted to see how the glowing effects looks like on the chains.
Progress updates on Hercules PowerUp chapter 3.
Most of the inking is completed, moving on to coloring soon.
Chapter 3 is set to be 24 pages.
And no, it's not spit in two parts, I managed to squeeze everything into one chapter this time.
I get confused myself with all the part 1 and part 2's also...
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Hercules PowerUp chapter 3,
coming in October 2012.
I was starting to ink the third panel of page 9 yesterday, and the least expected happened.
The Freaken power went out!! and I didn't save any of the works from start...I was hoping somehow it automatically saved itself through the ram memorize, but no...
unfortunately Manga Studio don't have this type of functions yet.
Had to ink the page from the beginning all over again, and now I'm pushing "Control+s" continuously like a crazy person...
And yes, it's finally coming...
Sorry for keeping all you supporters waiting!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
I saw Resident Evil 5 "Retribution" on Wednesday.
It was a decent movie, but not great.
I have to complaint that the casting could be better.
The Russian guy is hot, but don't suit the character "Leon"...
If you're on your way to see this movie, I'd suggest bring popcorn,
set back and enjoy, don't expect too much from it. and it's not for people with heart problems (zombies and creatures from previous movies will jump out suddenly.)
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Hercules on the Beach 2012 part2
still trying to improve the flow of the story and images.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
I love Ice cream ^_^
In the background, I am working on the sketches of Hercules PowerUp chapter 3 (page 9).
Saturday, August 11, 2012
New Korean Chopsticks
Lunch, chicken noodles again.
A bit too much rice-wine in the noodles, it tasted bitter. >_<
( I'm probably gonna feel drunk through rest of the day... )
Closeup of the new chopsticks. ( made in Korea )
I've purchased these new chopsticks on-line, and received them yesterday. They're about a inch longer than the old ones I have. And yes, one inch does matter.
The old ones was 8 and a quarter inch(21cm), the new ones are 9 and a quarter inch(23.5cm).
Unlike the Chinese and Japanese chopsticks. Korean chopsticks are flat and made of stainless steel, thus they last much longer than the traditional bamboo or wooden chopsticks.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Summer part2
Summer in my region is very uncomfortable, temperature constantly reaches 32 Celsius .
Although it's nothing comparing to weathers in dry desert areas. However, it's not just the heat, it's high humidity plus hot temperature. Combine them and you get the result of "Hot Sticky" weather. Sometimes rain showers helps cool down the heat, but it also increase the humidity.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Just a quick sketch,
I've finally turn on the air condition last night, because my room temperature reached 31 Celsius and just won't drop. Summer in my region is freaken humid and hot, I need more ice cubes!
Enjoy your summer...or winter in the southern hemisphere?
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Stone Creature
Monday, June 25, 2012
Korean Food
Last time I ordered a Korean Instant Noodle.
Yes, they actually serve that in some of the none Traditional Korean restaurants.
I think I ordered a cold noodle with Korean hot sauce this time. The noodle is very chewy and very spicy, different from anything I ate before.
And No, they didn't have Instant Noodles at this restaurant.
Yes, they actually serve that in some of the none Traditional Korean restaurants.
I think I ordered a cold noodle with Korean hot sauce this time. The noodle is very chewy and very spicy, different from anything I ate before.
And No, they didn't have Instant Noodles at this restaurant.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Another Sketch
Saw "Prometheus" (Alien prequel) yesterday.
Got a whole row of seats all to myself again. I'm actually starting to enjoy watching movies alone, I mean its always nice to be companied by a friend or two, but there's more freedom when alone. (especially if you have friend that talks during the middle of a movie.)
Mainly, I think the movie was very good in general, don't know what's with all the negative reviews?
Well if you're an"Alien" fan that wants to see an "Alien" movie, you'll probably be very disappointed. Because this movie is nothing like any of the "Alien" movies. It's more of an Sci-Fi adventure movie than a creepy "Alien" movie. they don't even have those traditional creepy dark slimy Alien with a tale used for amputating adroids.
If you're a Sci-Fi fan, it's a must watch. and there are a few "unpleasant" gore scenes, some may find it disgusting(like me), when others enjoys this kind of stuff...
Got a whole row of seats all to myself again. I'm actually starting to enjoy watching movies alone, I mean its always nice to be companied by a friend or two, but there's more freedom when alone. (especially if you have friend that talks during the middle of a movie.)
Mainly, I think the movie was very good in general, don't know what's with all the negative reviews?
Well if you're an"Alien" fan that wants to see an "Alien" movie, you'll probably be very disappointed. Because this movie is nothing like any of the "Alien" movies. It's more of an Sci-Fi adventure movie than a creepy "Alien" movie. they don't even have those traditional creepy dark slimy Alien with a tale used for amputating adroids.
If you're a Sci-Fi fan, it's a must watch. and there are a few "unpleasant" gore scenes, some may find it disgusting(like me), when others enjoys this kind of stuff...
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Hercules Bench Press
Whenever I got an idea in my mind, I try to sketch it down.but many were left unfinished, some of them are just bla of lines that only myself can understand.
There's a few sketches like this one, abandoned somewhere in my hard drive.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
I'm building the background for Hercules PowerUp Chapter 3.
I hate drawing backgrounds, but I actually enjoy building it in 3D.
software:Google Sketchup
I hate drawing backgrounds, but I actually enjoy building it in 3D.
software:Google Sketchup
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Rough sketch
This picture was created almost a week ago.
I didn't upload it earlier, because I was having issues with my old PC.
It was freezing on me constantly, and it never did that before, so I thought it's time to purchase a new computer.
Athough my old PC had some minor problems here and there, but atleast it served me well for the last six years, for this, I am grateful.
And now, I am happy with my new i3 processor, and finally, blu-ray player!!
Many thanks to the fans who supported me!
I didn't upload it earlier, because I was having issues with my old PC.
It was freezing on me constantly, and it never did that before, so I thought it's time to purchase a new computer.
Athough my old PC had some minor problems here and there, but atleast it served me well for the last six years, for this, I am grateful.
And now, I am happy with my new i3 processor, and finally, blu-ray player!!
Many thanks to the fans who supported me!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Hercules Pegasus
I've saw "Wrath of the Titans" at an IMAX theater yesterday... It was incredible!
Just like last time I went to the movies, I decided to go watch it by myself.
The 3D effects of this movie is amazing. I can't tell whether it's because IMAX theaters have better 3D visual effect, or it's because of the movie it self. Feels like everything is jumping right out of the screen. Last time I had such an experience was when I was little, watching JAWS 3 in 3D.
I remember I was startled by a 3D trailer of another movie, before the movie started.
I put on the paper glasses and a fist fly out of the screen towards my face. I was frightened and refused to put on the 3D glasses through the whole movie.
Just like last time I went to the movies, I decided to go watch it by myself.
The 3D effects of this movie is amazing. I can't tell whether it's because IMAX theaters have better 3D visual effect, or it's because of the movie it self. Feels like everything is jumping right out of the screen. Last time I had such an experience was when I was little, watching JAWS 3 in 3D.
I remember I was startled by a 3D trailer of another movie, before the movie started.
I put on the paper glasses and a fist fly out of the screen towards my face. I was frightened and refused to put on the 3D glasses through the whole movie.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
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