Wednesday, November 5, 2014

swimming pool yay!

 Herc and Lucien makingout by the new sims4 pool.
(Normally, you can't create a Hercules like you see above.
 I use mods from for the bodyhair and increased muscle size.)

Library, Gym, Nightclub and Museum.
I've created these four community lots for my game.
(If you have the sims4 and wish to download the lots above, search the key word"Greek"in the Lots category in the sims4 gallery.)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hercules and the Mage part4 released

Yes, it's finally completed!

Hercules and the Mage part4 is now available for purchase at ""

Many thanks to Firebrand again for providing dialogs for the comics, Danke sehr!^_^

And of course, thank you all for your patience and continuous supports!


Friday, October 3, 2014

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Back on track

Just started on the coloring process.
Should be completed before the end of September 2014.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Playing the new Sims game

  There will be an extra week delay for the new comic, because I'm playing the new Sims game that released a few days ago. It's a very addicting game...and no, I do not recommend this game to any hardcore or a just for fun gamer.
  For the Sims fans. This game will disappoint you if you enjoy the open world and freedom to customize almost anything in the previous game. Yes the new game is much more fluent and smoother in game play, but it also lacks many small details from the previous games. It feels like everything's been simplified comparing to the previous game.
  Overall, I had lots of mixed feelings about this game. I like how they improved on the game play and fixed a lot of problems the previous Sims game had, but also failed to preserved many great features from the previous games.
  Yes, it's a fun game to play in general, but not for everyone.      

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Lion Skin

Everyone probably knows about the new Hercules movie played by Dwayne Johnson (the Rock).
Was planning on going to the theatre, until I saw some of the reviews said it's very similar to the movie Scorpion King, so I decided not to watch it, because I'm not a fan of Scorpion King.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Big Hercules

the summer heat is cooling off a bit, but it's still extremely hot in my region.

Friday, July 11, 2014

FIFA world cup 2014

Germany vs Argentina in the Finals ^^

No, sorry guys. I don't watch almost any sports that includes a ball...
but, I guess lots of you are watching the FIFA world cup, and are probably very excited on the Finals match coming I don't know, next week? I think?

Friday, June 27, 2014

Hercules Holds Up the Sky 2014

Hope you all having fun~^^
I'll just hang on to my ice tea for the moment^^

Monday, June 9, 2014

Hercules Summer 2014

Yes, Summer! finally! or "not again" for some of us that lives in a tropical climate area.
As you can see, Lucien can't swim...

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Pen grip replacement

I've been using this same wacom tablet for who knows how many years now.
Well I finally decided to replace the pen grip, because it's all worn out.
Being an artist/illustrator means hardwork.
  No, artist/illustrator don't need to do heavy liftings or show up at the office five days a week. What artist does is turn thoughts and imaginations into images, graphics.
  Some artist/illustrator are very good at creating realistic images, and some are not.
  I'm one of those slow learner since I was a child. Yes, I suck at almost everything in school,
Including making friends. But I always had a passion for drawing, however, believe it or not, l suck at drawing too. I always remember the first time I had an opportunity to participate in an art program provided by the school. But was denide because I couldn't understand how to draw a cube. Yes, I couldn't understand the difference between a square and a cube. that was me about twenty five years ago.

Thank you for your supports!


Friday, April 25, 2014

Just a rough sketch

I wish I could just draw all of comics this way, it would save me tons of time. ^_^"

Matcha flavored Kitkat

That color looks like vomit but tasted like heaven.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Finger painting on phone

Just got my first smartphone.
I couldn't stop playing with it. This thing is more of a pocket game console than a phone.

Friday, April 18, 2014

What's in my Easter egg?

Okay, it's actually a capsule figure.
These are available for purchase via
 Japanese capsule vending machines,
or online vendors and toy stores.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

I'm home from Greece

I'm home! and I've brought back some souvenirs with me.
I bought this from a hot greek guy at a store in the Monastiraki square.
I wanted to get one of those huge Heracles statues but it's just too heavy^_^

I will continued working on Hercules and the Mage part3 after I finish unpacking.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

I'm still in Athens

 Me and myself at Cape Sounion (Temple of Poseidon)
It's a very nice and relaxing site if you don't run into any group of tourists, or a group of loud local students.  

First Gyros I had in Athens. It's probably the cheapest hot meal you can find in Athens.
I got this one for 2 Euros.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

This is an old sketch abandoned in my computer files for about a year or two.
Didn't have time to create the Valentine's day picture for this year, so I dug up this rough old sketch and colored it.

I'll be boarding the plane to Greece tomorrow.
Still going through the details of my plans for Athens.
And I just found out the Metro rail from the Airport will be closed during my visit, probably going to take the suburban shuttle bus to go downtown of Athens.

I will complete "Hercules and the Mage part3" after I return from Greece.
schedule to release the comic in early March 2014.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone !