Monday, December 25, 2017

I received Chopsticks for Christmas this year

These are the Kotobukiya Lightsaber Chopsticks. I received them as Christmas Present.

Yes, I've already watched The Last Jedi.
Was it better than The Force Awakens? Yes, in my opinion, it's much better than The Force Awakens.
However, I still prefer Rogue One upon these new Disney Star Wars Movies.

Now, my honest opinion on The Last Jedi.
The movie is a Great Sci Fi movie, but same as The Force Awakens, it's a Bad Star Wars movie.
If You've felt betrayed by The scene where Luke Skywalker only showed up in the last moment of The Force Awakens. Expect to be betrayed ten more times in The Last Jedi.

This movie is exactly as Luke Skywalker Stated in the Trailers. " THIS IS NOT GOING TO GO THE WAY YOU THINK."

I guess Disney go with a story plot as it is for a reason.
Perhaps the younger generations enjoys it.
But I am old, and this movie just didn't go the way I think.
I wouldn't be surprised even if they have bunch of Force Sensitive Children destroyed the whole entire galaxy in Star Wars Episode 9.


Monday, December 18, 2017