Saturday, September 13, 2014

Back on track

Just started on the coloring process.
Should be completed before the end of September 2014.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Playing the new Sims game

  There will be an extra week delay for the new comic, because I'm playing the new Sims game that released a few days ago. It's a very addicting game...and no, I do not recommend this game to any hardcore or a just for fun gamer.
  For the Sims fans. This game will disappoint you if you enjoy the open world and freedom to customize almost anything in the previous game. Yes the new game is much more fluent and smoother in game play, but it also lacks many small details from the previous games. It feels like everything's been simplified comparing to the previous game.
  Overall, I had lots of mixed feelings about this game. I like how they improved on the game play and fixed a lot of problems the previous Sims game had, but also failed to preserved many great features from the previous games.
  Yes, it's a fun game to play in general, but not for everyone.