- Home
- Hercules PowerUp 1
- Hercules PowerUp 2-1
- Hercules PowerUp 2-2
- Hercules PowerUp 3
- Hercules VS Nemean Lion
- Hercules and the Mage 1
- Hercules and the Mage 2
- Hercules and the Mage 3
- Hercules and the Mage 4
- Hercules and the Mage 5
- Hercules and the Mage 6
- Hercules and the Mage 7
- Hercules and the Mage 8
- Hercules and the Mage 9
- Hercules and the Mage 10
- Hercules and the Accursed Bloom
- Hercules Encore part1
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 01
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 02
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 03
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 04
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 05
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 06
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 07
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 08
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 09
- Hercules Battle Of Strong Man 10
- Bob and Everett 1
- Bob and Everett 2
- Bob and Everett 3
- Hercules Vs Gargan 1
- Hercules vs Gargan 2
- Hercules vs Gargan 3
- Mauleo in Greece
- Mauleo in Japan
Very excited about your new artwork style, Mauleo. Also excited you're thinking of doing different types of stories for your different audiences. Would love to see Herc being defeated as an alternate ending to the Mage 8! :)